You already own your prized and trusty motorhome, have just upgraded to a new one, or are about to embark on the brand-new experience of renting and touring in one. Only one big question remains. Where are you going to go?

When you own a motorhome, the world is quite literally your oyster – you have the wheels and you have the living accommodation, you are free to travel practically anywhere.

Inspiration for the many possible motorhome holiday destinations depends on your particular tastes and preferences, of course, together with who’s travelling and the size of your motorhome. But here are a few suggestions, featuring those countries which many consider to be the most motorhome-friendly:


  • France remains a popular destination – if only because it is so close and easy to get to by ferry or the Channel Tunnel;
  • exploring the country by motorhome is made that much easier by the number of basic-amenity “aires” which you find just outside towns and villages on major highways;
  • with rudimentary facilities, they are free or very low-cost and are essentially for overnight stopovers, but with hundreds of them dotted around the country, make excellent last-minute parking spots;
  • elsewhere, the high invariably high standards of regular campsites in France are legend;


  • you might be surprised to find Norway on our list of suggested destinations – but you’ll already be aware of the stunning scenery afforded by its mountains and fjords;
  • it is especially motorhome-friendly because of its law of “allemannsretten” (the Norwegian ‘Right to Roam’ which typically  allows you to free-camp – or park your motorhome – for up to two nights on any patch of uncultivated or unfenced land. Rules and exceptions apply, so do make sure you understand these before you travel;


  • the land of ice and fire also extends a surprisingly warm welcome for motorhome holidays;
  • there are more than 100 campsites spread over what is a relatively small island, so you are unlikely to have to travel far to find one that suits you;
  • wild camping is not allowed;


  • friendly people and spectacular scenery make Canada a favourite among more adventurous motorhomers;
  • the extensive network of provincial and national park campsites stretches across the country, leaving you rarely without a base from which to admire the wild landscapes;

United States

  • probably the home of the road trip – “from California to the New York island/From the redwood forest to the Gulfstream waters”, to quote Woody Guthrie – the United States is probably high on the list of destinations for any motorhome enthusiast;
  • there are iconic sights too numerous to mention in this big, wide country – from the well-known attractions to its myriad of small towns;
  • Kampgrounds of America is probably the bible for those looking to park up their motorhome to admire the sights – but, in emergencies, you might do well to note that many Walmart supermarkets allow free overnight parking, too.

Not yet ready for such great adventures? Then why not make the most of your motorhome by getting to know all those many fascinating and unexplored corners of the British Isles – where your motorhome is likely to be welcomed just as warmly as anywhere else in the world.

TIP: before you travel, make sure your motorhome insurance covers your destination and any stop off points enroute.