
Here is a selection of some motorhome FAQs that we often receive here at Derby Motorhomes. Of course, if you have any questions or queries relating to your motorhome or buying one, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Will I be able to drive a motorhome on a standard licence?

The answer in many cases is yes – but that might depend to some extent on the specific motorhome you want to drive (specifically its weight) and also the date you passed your driving test.

The current driving licence requirements are clearly set out on the government website or complete the brief online questionnaire to find out what vehicles you can drive.

How easy are motorhomes to drive?

Modern, new, or well-maintained motorhomes are very easy to drive. If you can drive a car, then you should be immediately at home behind the wheel of this type of vehicle too.

Nevertheless, your motorhome is going to be bigger than the family car, so you might need to take a little extra care and practice with manoeuvres such as reversing and parking.

Even better, you might want to consider signing up for one of the motorhome driving courses organised either by the Caravan and Motorhome Club or the Camping and Caravanning Club.

Can I take my motorhome abroad to wherever I like?

There’s no technical obstacle to taking your motorhome to any foreign country you choose – provided you’re willing to abide by that country’s rules, of course.

Countries in the European Union should pose no issue whatsoever. You can also take your motorhome to the Channel Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. Because of the limited space on the islands, though, you need to camp only at authorised sites and arrange a special permit in advance – either through the site at which you have booked your stay or directly to the relevant authorities on either island.

You’ll need to ensure that you have appropriate motorhome insurance cover for the countries you’re visiting or transiting. While there may be no physical barriers to your target destinations due to the motorhome itself, some insurance providers may exclude certain destinations outside of the EU that are perceived to be too high a risk.

Is it better to buy a motorhome for cash or take out finance?

We cannot provide financial advice about the way you choose to use your personal finances.

What we can say is that there are several funding options that may be open to you including Hire Purchase (HP). Some of these will be subject to your overall financial status – and we’d be more than happy to outline those motorhome finance options for you.

There are arguments for and against using cash savings as opposed to finance. If you’re uncertain as to the best way of financing the purchase of a motorhome given your particular personal circumstances, you may wish to do further independent research on the subject or consult an independent financial advisor.

Can I park up overnight in lay-bys?

Strictly speaking, this is likely to be contrary to local by-laws. Most such spaces are under the control of a local authority and typically they’ll prohibit overnight parking.

In purely practical terms, though, the rules and by-laws may be very difficult to monitor and enforce, particularly in very rural areas – so, you might be tempted to take your chances.

Remember, too, that your insurance policy might explicitly forbid overnight stops anywhere other than on an appropriately licenced and regulated campsite.

Is there a best-practice driving code for motorhomes?

There is nothing enshrined in law as such – although you might turn up some good and helpful guides, including those recommended by the Caravan and Motorhome Club or the Camping and Caravan Club on the driving courses we have already mentioned.

How often do I need to empty the WC?

Questions on this subject are also regularly – usually somewhat shyly – raised in motorhome FAQs forums!

The answer, of course, depends on two factors:

  • the capacity of your WC’s storage; and
  • how often you use it.

If you’d like to ask, there are some rough guidelines we can provide. In passing, we’d just say that emptying the WC in modern motorhomes is typically fast, easy, and hygienic.

Whether you are buying new or second hand, a good motorhome is likely to be a large financial purchase. That’s why many of our customers look to various forms of borrowing to finance their motorhome purchase.

To set your sights on any particular motorhome, of course, you will want a better ballpark idea of how much you can borrow.

Here at Derby Motorhomes, we’re happy to help you discover just that.

Motorhome finance calculator

Our online motorhome finance calculator can give you an estimate of how much your HP motorhome finance may cost based on how much you want to borrow.

If you decide to proceed with an HP motorhome finance application, the actual cost may be different as it will be influenced by the points discussed below. But it is a good starting point.

How much can I borrow?

The amount you can borrow – the amount you will have available to buy your motorhome – depends on and typically not limited to:

  • your financial circumstances (how much you can afford to repay each month);
  • the period over which you want to complete the repayments;
  • the rate of interest attached to any loan or credit; and
  • the measure of your creditworthiness that is expressed in your credit rating.

Hire purchase

The amount you can borrow – and how much that credit will cost – is also determined by the method of borrowing you choose. As you’ll have noticed, our online calculator takes hire purchase as your favoured method. Why is that?

It’s quite simply because hire purchase is one of the most popular forms of motor finance – according to the Money Saving Expert in a piece updated on the 11th of April 2022.

Hire purchase is a credit plan involving precisely those two elements: after paying a relatively modest deposit (typically of around 10%) you make monthly repayments to hire the vehicle and have the option of making a final payment – the purchase – to own it.

As the government-backed website MoneyHelper explains, your delayed ownership means that the loan can be secured against the value of the vehicle – and this typically helps to reduce the level of interest that is charged in other types of borrowing (an unsecured personal loan from your bank, for example).

There are other advantages to this method of financing your motorhome purchase:

  • the interest rate is fixed, so you know exactly how much you’ll be paying each month;
  • because the loan is secured against the vehicle, you might have more success getting hire purchase than an unsecured loan if your credit rating is less than good;
  • the initial deposit – of around 10% – is typically affordable, as is the final payment to complete the purchase (unlike the steep final payment you typically need to make at the end of a Personal Contract Purchase or PCP); and
  • unlike some other credit arrangements, hire purchase does not typically involve any mileage restrictions.


There is good reason for the abiding popularity of hire purchase agreements. They are typically easy to understand, have straightforward terms and conditions, and might often prove a cheaper way of borrowing than some other methods.

Our online calculator for motorhome finance will show you, at a glance, an example of just how much your monthly motorhome finance repayments could be.

If you are looking to finance your next motorhome, then please contact us today.

Platinum Jubilee Opening Hours


Thursday 2nd June  –  Closed

Friday 3rd June        –  Closed

Saturday 4th June    –  10.00am – 14.00pm

Sunday  5th June     –   10.00am – 14.00pm


Thursday 2nd June  –  Closed

Friday 3rd June        –  Closed

Saturday 4th June    –  Closed

Sunday  5th June     –   Closed

Normal hours resume Monday 6th June

Setting off on your first journey in your new motorhome is an exciting event.

Even if you’ve owned one for some time the travel restrictions during the recent pandemic mean that it might have been a while since you’ve ventured on an outing of any duration.

So, if you’re preparing for that first trip as the proud new owner of a motorhome, or returning to the pleasures of your second home on wheels, here are a few travel tips from us here at Derby Motorhomes that you might find useful before setting off.

Practice your driving in advance

Practice makes perfect – it might be a truism but is no less relevant to learning or relearning your driving skills behind the wheel of a motorhome.

These vehicles are typically easy to drive but tight manoeuvring, reversing, and parking, will all benefit from a little more practice.

For the complete novice or someone wanting a thorough refresher course, the Caravan and Motorhome Club runs a range of practical tuition packages. Failing any such formal approach, even a few hours on a quiet Sunday in an empty local car park will be better than having to learn everything as you go along on your first outing of the year.

Don’t make your first trip an epic one

For similar reasons, break yourself in gradually when it comes to travelling any distance. It can take a little time to become fully familiar with your motorhome – particularly if you have no previous experience.

That might mean that a fairly local first trip, over perhaps a weekend, might be an excellent shakedown of your motorhome. You’ll learn a lot from it too and it’ll help prepare you for longer duration and longer-distance journeys.

Plan your route and remember you’re driving a motorhome

Picture the narrowest, twisty lanes you can imagine and just know that some very rural back roads are simply unsuitable for motorhomes.

In some cases, they may carry explicit prohibitions for commercial vehicles and motorhomes due to their size – but not all do. Make sure you’ve researched the route thoroughly and, until your experience levels have increased, avoid marginal or what might be considered challenging roads for larger vehicles.

Brush up on your driving codes for motorhomes

Be prepared for the fact that some other road users will seem to take exception to your driving a motorhome on the roads at all. If you are dawdling along – well below the maximum speed limit – on a single carriageway with no safe overtaking options, you’re certain to raise the frustration levels of other motorists. Motorhomes which block both carriageways whilst engaging in a doomed attempt to overtake a lorry or another motorhome on the inside lane whilst going uphill will be an even greater frustration.

Frustration on the road can be dangerous for everyone.

So, brush up on basic courteous driving techniques, as they apply specifically to motorhomes, then use them at all times.

Have you booked your site?

Mention of frustrations and there’s probably nothing worse than turning up at your destination only to find nowhere to park up for the night.

During the bank holidays and the peak summer holiday months, in particular, don’t just turn up in the hope you’ll be OK but spend that minute or two making a simple phone call to be sure of your pitch for the night.

Don’t forget your toolkit

You won’t be needing it for your suitably serviced motorhome, of course, but a toolkit could still earn its keep on any expedition into the wide world out there.

Since you’re about to experience the great outdoors, there might be dozens of times when you’ll wish you had a screwdriver to tighten that BBQ leg or an adjustable spanner to budge that tight nut on your bike rack.

A few basic tools will have proved their weight in gold.

Take all your manuals and appliance guides with you

Operating the cooker in your motorhome or its heating system isn’t exactly rocket science.

Still, the embarrassment of admitting you can’t work out how to do something as simple as switching on the power or coupling the gas is best avoided. Your manuals might help you get right to the business of enjoying yourself just that little bit faster.

Read your owner’s manual thoroughly and before departure

This will contain volumes of helpful tips, so it’s important to read through it at your leisure.

In it, you’re likely to find some advice about basic pre-departure vehicle checklists. Some of those might be obvious, such as checking tyre pressures but others less so – such as weight distributions and loading.

Be sure to run through the checklist carefully and rigorously before you leave.

Take a good torch

Finally, remember that some of the campsites you’ll be visiting will be very well lit – others may be less so – with more of that “back to nature” atmosphere about them.

A torch is likely to be invaluable.

The British public has confirmed its love affair with the staycation. 53% declared their intention of taking a holiday in the UK in 2022, said the website Pass the Keys on the 28th of January 2022.

For those who are looking for a mobile yet affordable, self-contained. and self-catering staycation, a motorhome represents the ideal choice – and that’s why sales of these leisure vehicles have grown by 15% since the lifting of pandemic restrictions, said a story in the Caravan Times on the 20th of December 2021.

There are any number of benefits attractions in motorhoming – and they are by no means restricted to staycations within the UK – but here are just some of those that appeal to our customers here at Derby Motorhomes:

The freedom to explore

  • Britain is a nation of explorers and every one of us is likely to have some inner yearning for the freedom of the open road and the sense of adventure to follow it wherever it leads;
  • motorhomes provide just that release – with a vehicle that may be nimble enough to manoeuvre even the most winding or narrow roads at home or abroad;

Home from home

  • but for all that adventure and exploration, you don’t need to sacrifice the creature comforts of home;
  • modern motorhomes are built to such a high standard that you have everything you need – the fridge, oven, flushing toilet, running water, and every manner of home comfort – right down to the proverbial kitchen sink;

Everything to hand

  • in a motorhome, everything is to hand;
  • there are no hotel bookings to be made and no restaurant tables to be reserved – still less the need to find a family-friendly eating place if you have the kids in tow;

The great outdoors

  • whenever you are holidaying in a motorhome, the great outdoors is ever-present;
  • all the fresh air you could need, all the natural wonders of the world, are right on your doorstep – providing a welcome and healthy getaway from the city-centred hotels you might otherwise be staying in;
  • the UK has some amazing countryside – some of it is off the beaten track and well away from the hectic hustle and bustle of daily life;
  • when you’re feeling confident to make those forays onto the European continent once again, your motorhome will open still more doors to an even greater outdoors;

Encounters with the unexpected

  • motorhomes give you the chance to ditch any rigorously planned itinerary and, instead, grant you the freedom to explore whatever you encounter along the way;
  • free of the constraints to meet hotel booking-in and checking-out times, feel free to expect the unexpected and awaken once again that sense of exploration, adventure, and wonder;

Social occasions

  • neither is motorhoming a solitary affair;
  • motorhomes make ideal family getaways in which you can enjoy some quality time;
  • membership of a club also links you to an even wider social network of like-minded souls – the Caravan Club, which claims more than a million members, changed its name just a couple of years ago to the still more inclusive Caravan and Motorhome Club;


  • how many holidays have meant the anxiety and pain of separation from your pets;
  • with a motorhoming holiday, you’ll avoid any such pain or heartbreak since your pets can come along too;
  • an increasing number of campsites are dog-friendly these days – and recognise that your four-legged companions are as likely to enjoy a holiday just as much as you do;


  • your bank balance is likely to be one of the major constraints on your taking more holidays and weekend breaks – hotel rooms and dining out every day make many of those trips prohibitively expensive;
  • once you’ve made that initial investment in buying a motorhome, on the other hand, your holidays and breaks in the future are likely to prove a fraction of the cost.

These are just a few of the benefits our customers have told us about. Set about purchasing – or upgrading – your motorhome now, and you’re almost certain to discover a lot more.

Many of the questions we’re often asked here at Derby Motorhomes are about the financing options for buying a motorhome.

With the strict proviso that we are in no way qualified financial advisers, we’re happy to share with you some of our observations on the subject of motorhome finance. Our aim is simply to highlight – in the broadest possible terms – some of the options that you may be able to choose from when buying a new motorhome.

Using your own cash

A lot of buyers use their own cash – especially in circumstances where they have taken a lump sum out of a pension fund, have inherited money from a relative’s estate, or come into a similar windfall.

In many respects, paying by cash is intuitively attractive. It means you won’t be paying interest charges to a lender, and neither will you need to convince someone else that you can afford the money you are spending. It is your decision and yours alone.

However, you may need to keep in mind that some advisers might argue that spending your own cash is not always an optimum solution. If you spend a substantial sum of money on your motorhome from your own cash reserves, then by definition, that money isn’t available for you to use for other purchases.

True, you could always sell your motorhome in future to get a percentage of your cash back but that can take a little time and while you’re going through the sales process, your funds aren’t available to you.

Hire Purchase

You are almost certain to be familiar enough with the concept of Hire Purchase (HP) that it needs no further explanation.

In brief outline, suffice it to say, that all is required from you is to find a sum of your own cash to contribute towards the cost of the vehicle by way of a “deposit”. The Hire Purchase provider will then fund the balance and purchase the vehicle for you to use as its registered keeper.

You will then pay a monthly repayment of the outstanding sum, over some years, until such time as you have paid off the balance. During that period of time, the vehicle legally remains the property of the HP provider and you must not sell it without their advance written permission.

The advantage of HP is that the vehicle is being purchased, in large part, with somebody else’s money, meaning you keep your capital reserves for something like an emergency. Of course, you will need to show – by way of relevant credit checks – that you are financially able to maintain the repayments.

Use our motorhome HP finance calculator for an idea of figures here.

Personal loans

You could go to a finance company or bank and ask them to advance you a sum of money which you can then spend on buying the new motorhome of your choice.

You will then need to repay the loan, of course, over an agreed period of time or term.

Once again, you will need to find some form of deposit. You will also again typically be assessed in terms of your creditworthiness and ability to financially meet the loan repayment commitment you are entering into.

Loans offer the advantage of giving you a degree of freedom over where you purchase your vehicle, and they may increase your negotiating position a little with a seller or dealership (as to them you will effectively be a cash buyer).

On the downside, certainly, bank loans are perhaps not always as readily available for luxury or non-essential expenditure as might once have been the case.

Personal Contract Purchase (PCP)

In recent years, the market in motor sales has been dominated by personal contract purchase (PCP) arrangements. Inevitably, perhaps, this financing option is widely gaining ground for the purchase of motorhomes.

One of the attractions of the PCP is that you visit the dealer or franchise holder, choose your motorhome, put down a deposit, agree the monthly repayment schedule, sign the papers, and drive away in your new motorhome.

It might seem similar to HP but differs in crucial respects.

Your monthly repayments are reduced and rolled over until the final “balloon” payment, which you can pay so that the vehicle becomes yours outright.

Alternatively, you can hand back the motorhome, with nothing further to pay. But if you have built up an equity in the vehicle – because it has maintained its value better than expected, for instance – you can arrange its sale and put down the released equity as a deposit on the purchase of a new motorhome.


At Derby Motorhomes we work with a number of motorhome finance specialists to find you what we consider is the most suitable finance solution for your next motorhome. Why not contact us today to see how we can help?

If you are looking to buy a motorhome, you might well be overwhelmed by the sheer choice of makes and models.

But there is one manufacturer you certainly don’t want to pass by – and that is the renowned Auto-Sleepers brand. Some of the following frequently asked questions might help to explain why.

Why buy an Auto-Sleepers motorhome?

The British manufacturer has established an enviable reputation as one of the finest builders of van conversion and coachbuilt motorhomes.

That reputation is not without good cause since it has been confirmed by motorhome owners themselves. In the Owner Satisfaction Awards granted by readers of Practical Motorhome – and announced on the 21st of January 2022 – Auto-Sleepers stole the gold medal for Best Motorhome Manufacturer.

Co-organisers of the 2022 awards, the Camping and Caravanning Club, confirmed that coachbuilt motorhomes – on which Auto-Sleepers have consistently built their reputation – remain the most popular kind of vehicle, accounting for 55.7% of all new motorhomes purchased.

New for 2022 was Auto-Sleepers Ford Air Camper – which immediately walked away with the year’s Motorhome & Campervan Design Award from the Caravan and Motorhome Club for campervans under 5m in length.

The company has over 60 years’ experience not only in the manufacture of coachbuilt motorhomes but also van conversions and campervans. Whatever style you choose, you can be assured of an innovative and imaginative focus on every aspect of their design and interiors that take full advantage of every inch of space.

What powers an Auto-Sleeper?

Auto-Sleepers typically come with a choice of powertrains:


  • fitted to both its van conversions and coachbuilt models, many Auto-Sleepers are powered by Peugeot’s proven 160bhp turbodiesel Euro 6 engine; or
  • if you prefer the option of an automatic transmission, you have the choice of the 130bhp/150bhp Fiat Ducato Comfort-Matic engine;


  • Mercedes coachbuilt models are fitted with the German brand’s 163bhp Next Generation Euro 6.2 turbodiesel 163bhp engine; and
  • with the option of that powertrain’s 7-speed fully automatic gearbox; and

Ford Air Camper

  • 0-litre Ford EcoBlue (170 PS) engine;
  • 6-speed manual gearbox – or optional automatic transmission.

How extensive is the Auto-Sleeper range?

Not only is there an extensive range of Auto-Sleepers from which to choose but new models and updated versions of current favourites are launched each year.

Presently, for example, there are eight different Peugeot campervans, seven Peugeot coachbuilts, two Peugeot AL-KO coachbuilts, five coachbuilt, Mercedes-powered motorhomes, and the newly launched Ford Air Camper.

Which Auto-Sleeper is for me?

Your choice of motorhome, of course, is a highly personal one and depends on how you intend to use it, the number of passengers you may need to accommodate (and the number of berths for them to sleep in), and the interior space and layout you are likely to need.

You might want a motorhome that you – and a partner perhaps – are likely to use mainly for touring and for exploring the highways and byways of new and unfamiliar places. In the way of many adventures, these may lead you along narrow, winding lanes one minute and through the congestion of busy city streets the next. That is when you are likely to want a smaller, more manoeuvrable motorhome.

If you want a luxurious second home on wheels that you are likely to use as your more permanent base on holidays and short breaks, then a larger motorhome might be the order of the day.

Where can I buy an Auto-Sleeper?

There are main dealers who specialise in this make of motorhome and have the experience and expertise to guide you through the decision-making process – and may also offer the competitively-priced finance packages you may need.

Choose one of these leading dealers with extensive showrooms and exhibition halls to allow you to get up close and personal with the models that suit your tastes and preferences.

Easter 2022 opening hours 

Friday 15th April        10.00 AM – 4.00 PM

Saturday 16th April    10.00 AM – 4.00 PM

Sunday 18th April       CLOSED

Monday 19th April     10.00 AM – 4.00PM


Although a brand new motorhome is expensive to buy, you will be pleased to discover that it holds its price well and you’re likely to get a good price for it when it’s time to sell. It is estimated that the average vehicle will have retained around 70% of its value after three years. Contrast this with the 50% or so valuation of your new car after three years, according to

If you invested in a high-end motorhome, such as an Auto-Sleeper, it is even more likely to have held its value.

With such a combination of positive factors, your motorhome can become a prime subject for part-exchange whenever you decide it’s time to renew. So, here are some frequently asked questions on just that subject.

How can I be sure of getting a fair price?

A motorhome part exchange is intended to represent a fair deal for you, for the dealer who accepts it in part exchange, and for any customer looking eventually to buy it.

Although motorhomes typically hold their price well and depreciate at a slower rate than many other vehicles, they do depreciate over time. This needs to be taken into account when managing your expectations for the price you are offered by the dealer.

The more information – and the more accurate information – you can provide the dealer, the fairer the valuation is likely to be. And the fairer the valuation, of course, the better the price you might expect to be offered.

What determines the valuation?

In addition to your contact details – and in advance of the dealer’s inspection of the vehicle – there are several details on which any valuation is likely to be based, including:

  • the make and model of your motorhome – and as previously mentioned, the more reputable the marque, such as Auto-Sleeper, the more impressed any dealer is likely to be;
  • the registration number, age, and mileage of the vehicle;
  • whether it is diesel or petrol, the engine capacity, and the type of transmission (manual or automatic);
  • whether you have a full mechanical and habitation service history;
  • the overall condition of the motorhome – some indication of whether it is clean, average, or below average;
  • whether smoking has been allowed in the vehicle; and
  • whether your pets have travelled or slept in your motorhome.

Are the extras fitted into my motorhome also taken into account in any part-exchange valuation?

Extras, such as onboard entertainment systems or fitted appliances, may enhance the part exchange value of your motorhome.

To help ensure that you are receiving top price in part exchange, therefore, give as full a picture as possible of all the extras fitted, when they were fitted, by whom, and the individual service histories if these are available.

Once again, the more detail you offer, the greater the financial consideration is likely to be.

What if I’m dissatisfied with the part exchange price I’m offered?

With the best will in the world – on the part of both parties – there is always the chance that you consider the price you are offered for your motorhome to be underrated.

In those circumstances, there is nothing to stop you from arranging a private sale – and taking on the potential hassle and inconvenience of arranging viewings, allowing test drives, and negotiating a price.

If you manage to find a buyer, it is entirely possible that that person, too, is also interested in making a part exchange. If you put them in touch with the dealer from whom you are planning to buy your new motorhome, you might find that you have made two new friends – your buyer and the dealer from whom you are planning to buy.

Your motorhome gives you the freedom of the open road. And the less you need to spend along the way, the further you make your money stretch, the further you can travel, and the more you get to enjoy the adventures as you go.

So, here are a few tips and suggestions for making your money go further – so you can spend it on those things that make a holiday so truly memorable.

Go off-peak

If you are able to travel outside of the holiday periods, you’ll typically find that the roads will be quieter, but pitches, ferries and the Eurotunnel may also be cheaper:

  • if you’re after peace and quiet at your campsite, off-peak bookings are likely to involve fewer families with children;
  • the weather remains reasonably warm and dry during the so-called “shoulder months” of May and September;
  • you’ll probably pay less for your pitch – and have a greater choice and availability; and
  • many campsites remain open the whole year-round.

Motorhome breakdown cover

Spend a little to save a lot – that’s the secret to being prepared for emergencies and setbacks such as a vehicle breakdown. Spend a little on the appropriate breakdown cover and you could be saving yourself considerable expense if anything goes wrong.

If you’re touring, it’s a nightmare, of course, if you suffer a breakdown. If you’re touring in a motorhome the nightmare can only get worse because it’s not just your transport but also your overnight accommodation, cooking, and storage facilities.

So, don’t rely on whatever roadside DIY mechanical skills you think you might have picked up or the expense of unexpected recovery and vehicle repairs but invest in a policy that gives you peace of mind that you’ll keep on moving!


Motorhome breakdown insurance can certainly help you avoid major expenses if the vehicle breaks down – but a little forethought and planning can go still further than that.

By paying attention to the range and choice of campsites available you can choose those campsites that deliver everything you need – without it costing you an arm and a leg into the bargain.

The distinct advantage of your motorhome, of course, is that it is entirely self-contained. You do not have to rely on those more expensive sites offering 5-star amenities because all that you need is on your own four wheels.

The website Pitchup, for instance, markets its listings for motorhome sites in 2022 with prices that start as cheap as under a tenner anight.

Find cheap fuel

By signing up to an app such as you will be able to find the cheapest petrol in your area – and, according to the website save up to nearly £500 a year on your super unleaded petrol.

For further fuel-saving economies and driving habits, you might want to take a look at the Money Saving Expert’s views of the 4th of March 2022 on the subject.

Bikes aboard

Your motorhome is perfectly equipped for each overnight stay and getting from A to B is as simple as sitting behind the wheel. But why not get further enjoyment from the great outdoors by leaving the motorhome on its pitch for a day or two while you take to the roads, lanes, and trails on your bikes – saving the wear and tear on your vehicle and, of course, the cost of fuel.

If there is room inside your motorhome to store the bikes, all well and good, but practically any motorhome these days will easily take a safer and more secure exterior cycle-rack.

Getting to know your galley

Eating out for the duration of your holiday is likely to prove expensive, yet your motorhome comes equipped with a galley – and using it need not be a huge chore:

  • casseroles, grills, oatmeal, and cereals take little time to prepare and are unlikely to tax the skills of anyone at the galley for a great length of time;
  • if you are feeling a little more ambitious, the Camping and Caravanning Club has even come up with a few recipes that are especially suited to cooking on the galley of your motorhome;
  • even just hitting the local supermarket for cold drinks, sandwiches, snacks, and the like means you can save money you would have spent out at a café;
  • don’t splurge at Starbucks – make your own coffee in your RV and you’ll potentially save a small fortune.

Saving money while travelling in your motorhome doesn’t mean scrimping and going without, it only takes just a little forethought, preparation, and planning.