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UK Motorhome shows offer enthusiasts and prospective buyers an excellent opportunity to explore the latest models, discover innovative accessories, and connect with fellow travellers. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a novice adventurer, here are some tips to help you make the most of your experience at a UK motorhome show:

Research your interests in advance – and plan

Many of the bigger motorhome shows can be quite intimidating in terms of size and scale. It’s perfectly possible to wander around aimlessly trying to look at everything, only to end up exhausted and without any abiding lessons or firm conclusions at the end of the day!

So, before attending the motorhome show, take some time to research exhibitors, seminars, and special events scheduled for the day. Create a tentative itinerary to ensure you don’t miss out on any must-see attractions or informative sessions.

Go to those stands or exhibitors as a priority and ignore everything else until you have put a tick against each of your priority interests.

Family planning

If you have younger children with you, it’s great to involve the whole family, but you probably don’t need us to tell you that those youngsters might have extremely limited attention spans.

Certainly, they’ll enjoy getting close to the motorhomes, but they are likely to be a lot less interested if you’re discussing engine option specifications, let’s say, with an expert on a stand.

If you can, it might be best to leave your kids with a family member so that you can concentrate on the event itself. If that’s not possible or you don’t like the idea in principle, then taking along some distractions in the form of games or toys might be a smart idea.

Consider taking some food

There is almost always plenty of catering at these events and it can be a perfectly reasonable quality. But the food concessions can also sometimes become extremely crowded.

If you don’t mind queuing up for food and losing time while you are doing so, that’s great. However, if you’d prefer to spend your time looking at motorhomes, rather than the stranger in front of you in the food queue, consider taking a picnic.

Set realistic targets

Many people admit to reaching the end of a motorhome show in a state of almost total exhaustion. It’s great fun but walking endlessly around trying to do everything can drain even the fittest of us.

So, building on that prioritised list of objectives mentioned above, make sure that the things you note as “must do” are realistically achievable within the time you are allocating.

Wear sensible footwear

If the venue is inside, make sure you wear comfortable shoes rather than those designer specials that look great, but are going to cause you grief after you’ve been walking around in them for a few hours.

If things are outside, make sure your shoes are equally sensible but also waterproof and with decent soles. It doesn’t matter what the weather forecast said, if a field turns into a quagmire and you have beach shoes on, you’re likely to regret it.

Consider bringing along a lightweight jacket or umbrella in case of unexpected weather changes.

Ask questions

Take advantage of the opportunity to interact with exhibitors and industry experts. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about motorhome features, specifications, pricing, and financing options. Gather as much information as possible to make informed decisions.

Test drive opportunities

If available, take advantage of test drive opportunities offered by motorhome manufacturers or dealers. Test driving allows you to experience first-hand the handling, comfort, and performance of different models, helping you narrow down your choices.

Attend seminars and workshops

Many motorhomes shows host seminars, workshops, and demonstrations on topics ranging from maintenance tips to travel destinations. Attend sessions relevant to your interests and learn from experienced professionals and fellow enthusiasts.

Explore accessories and gadgets

Browse through the accessory stalls and gadget booths to discover innovative products designed to enhance your motorhome experience. From outdoor furniture to solar panels and navigation systems, explore options to customise and optimise your travel rig.

Network with fellow enthusiasts

Motorhome shows provide a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for outdoor adventures. Strike up conversations with fellow attendees, exchange travel stories, and glean insights from their experiences.

Take advantage of show discounts

Many exhibitors offer exclusive discounts and special offers during motorhome shows. Keep an eye out for promotional deals on motorhomes, accessories, camping gear, and insurance packages.

Try to avoid arriving or leaving at peak times

Broadly speaking, peak arrival and departure times are normally somewhere between 8-10 a.m. and 5-7.00 p.m. That may vary, of course, depending upon the hours of the specific show.

At many venues, these peak times can put incredible pressure on the local road systems that result in long queues of traffic to get in or out of the place. Sitting in a queue is unlikely to be an ideal start or end to your day, so try and avoid the peaks and travel at other times if possible.

That said, early birds often have the advantage of exploring exhibits more leisurely and engaging in meaningful conversations with exhibitors before the venue gets crowded.

Enjoy the experience!

Above all, enjoy the experience of immersing yourself in the world of motorhomes and outdoor exploration. Take time to savour the sights, sounds, and camaraderie of the event, and envision the exciting adventures that lie ahead with your own motorhome.

By following these tips, you can maximise your enjoyment and make the most of your visit to a UK motorhome show. Whether you’re in the market for a new motorhome or simply seeking inspiration for your next adventure, a motorhome show offers a wealth of opportunities to fuel your passion for travel and exploration.

So, you’ve succumbed to the lure of the open road – the freedom to go where you like, rest and stop wherever you choose – and have decided to buy a motorhome.

But where do you start looking for that purchase? Let’s take a look at your options. They immediately fall into one of two broad sources – do you buy privately or from a dealer?

Private sales

One of the attractions of buying privately is that you are buying directly from the vendor and can tell yourself that you are avoiding the commission or profit that needs to be made by any third-party agent such as a dealer.

A private sale is also more likely to involve a used motorhome, of course, so you may be able to take advantage of the depreciation already reflected in the value of a second-hand vehicle. A buyers’ guide published by Out and About Live claims that the savings on buying second-hand, rather than new, might be considerable. Although it also concedes that the slower rate of depreciation on a motorhome compared to ordinary cars might keep prices rather similar.

Thanks to the internet, your search is no longer limited to class advertisements in your local newspaper or trade journals. Online listings give you the chance to search across the whole of the country for those looking to sell a used motorhome.

Just like buying any vehicle from a private seller, however, it is very much a question of “buyer beware”. You must be prepared to go over the motorhome with a fine-toothed comb – and in this case checking not only the mechanics, but also the exterior and interior integrity of what is going to be your second home.

Your scrutiny also needs to extend to the seller’s legal capacity to sell the motorhome. Do they have title to the vehicle? Is there any outstanding hire purchase or other finance on it? Has it been classified as an insurance write-off?

Using a service such as an HPI checker specialises in helping you to check the possibility of any fraud on the part of the vendor – but the responsibility is very much your own.

Buying from a dealer

Instead, you may avoid much of the doubt and anxiety by buying your motorhome from a reputable dealer. Whether you are buying brand new or second-hand, you have the reassurance of knowing just where to go if you later discover something wrong with the vehicle you bought.

A dealer is responsible for conducting all the financial checks on any pre-owned motorhome. They are able to stay in business only by ensuring that any vehicle has been thoroughly checked inside and out, mechanically and accommodation-wise, after a full service.

Any optional extras or accessories for your motorhome may also be supplied directly by the dealer and properly fitted or installed.

Any new motorhome is going to come with the manufacturer’s warranty, but many established dealers are also likely to extend a guarantee even to used vehicles.

Many dealers are also able to arrange any finance you may need to purchase your motorhome.

Here at Derby Motorhomes, we pride ourselves in the reputation we have established as a leading dealer in all makes of motorhome – specialising in Auto-Sleepers. Thanks to our location in Derby, in the Midlands, we are likely to be reasonably accessible wherever you live in the country – and look forward to the opportunity of demonstrating first-hand a wide range of new and used motorhomes for sale.

Further reading: Financing your Auto-Sleeper purchase

The term “auto-sleeper” (or auto sleepers) is sometimes used to mean motorhomes in general or at times, specifically campervans. They are also, however, a renowned English manufacturer of campervan motorhomes that we at Derby Motorhomes are proud to sell.

Here, we’ll interpret auto-sleeper as a generic term referring to any kind of motorhome or campervan and offer some thoughts and suggestions about buying one.

Our approach is along the line of “top motorhome buying tips” – and we’ll take the liberty of assuming that you are completely new to all questions related to motorhomes or auto-sleepers.

Some first principles

Here are the basics, as we see them:

The most suitable auto-sleeper for you and your travels

  • think carefully about what you expect to get out of the experience when using your vehicle on holiday;
  • so, ease and convenience plus low running costs might immediately spring to mind and that might steer you towards a smaller and more compact campervan;
  • but then ask yourself what happens if your friends, children or children want to come with you one long weekend – all of a sudden that campervan might seem to be the small side of “compact”;
  • from most angles, we’ll remain pretty much in the dark on this score since the answers to the questions are about your dreams, ambitions and how they will affect the choice of the most suitable vehicle for you;
  • our blog – Picking the right motorhome for you – provides more tips and considerations;

Review your finances – carefully

  • no list of tips and suggestions about buying a motorhome would be complete, of course, without a word on the hot topic of money;
  • after your house, your motorhome is likely to be the single biggest expenditure you’ll undertake in your lifetime;
  • once again, there’s little specific we can say here other than for you to be certain you’re taking into consideration the running and maintenance costs of your auto-sleeper, as well as its purchase price;
  • incidentally, don’t assume that paying cash is necessarily the most suitable option either – at Derby Motorhomes, we can introduce you to motorhome finance companies that offer all the options you might want to consider, from loans, to hire purchase, and even personal contract purchase (PCP);
  • you can find out more on our blog: Motorhome financing options;

Consider your own driving experience and comfort zone

  • almost anyone can learn to drive even the largest motorhomes safely and your standard driving licence – the one you use to drive your car – is typically sufficient;
  • for chapter and verse on your eligibility for driving any particular motorhome, though, you might want to consult the advice on the relevant government website;
  • that’s not to say that everyone wants to drive the biggest possible auto-sleeper – instead, be sure that you select a size of vehicle that you and if relevant, your partner, would both be happy driving;

Think about your expeditions

  • choosing a small campervan might be ideal for a couple or people with a young child or two, irrespective of the journey distance;
  • as we grow older, though, many of us prefer a little more space and comfort – one or two nights in a restricted space might be fine but not if we’re going to be living there for perhaps two weeks at a time;
  • so, if you have lots of long-distance explorations planned around Europe and the UK, you might want to incline towards vehicles that are slightly larger, better equipped, and more comfortable;

Take advice on new versus used

  • you may be surprised to discover that, unlike most cars, motorhomes often tend to hold their value very well – so, don’t expect vast reductions on say a two-year-old model against a new one – but we’ll be happy to help you think through any issues about that;
  • of course, if you’re buying second-hand from a private individual, do please make sure that you’re qualified to assess the vehicle and adopt all good security practices to protect your financial interests.

When all’s said and done, you’ll discover that there are some really beautiful motorhomes and campervans out there. Given the amount you’re likely to be spending, it only makes sense to spend time researching the main makes and models – their upsides and any downsides – before you set your heart on any particular one.

Once again, of course, we’d be only too happy to offer some general awareness-raising advice in that area if you wish. Why not contact us to find out more?

Further reading: Motorhome buying tips

Have you thought of taking your motorhome to the Netherlands?

When planning a European tour, many motorhome owners head for the mountains of Austria and Switzerland or the beaches of southern France, Italy or Spain. But you do not need to drive so far to enjoy a continental journey much closer to home. The Low Countries – and the Netherlands, in particular – have a great deal to offer.

Why the Netherlands?

If you don’t fancy another long journey after driving your motorhome off the ferry, the Netherlands offers a perfect solution. Take the ferry from Harwich in Essex to the Hook of Holland and you reach your destination as soon as you roll off the boat. The ferry crossing takes just under seven hours, but this can vary.

Or, take the Eurotunnel from Folkestone to Calais and drive to the Netherlands – this takes less than four hours says their website.

The Dutch

You are almost certain to receive a warm welcome from the Dutch people you meet. They are friendly and family-oriented, with as great a taste for the outdoor life. Think Holland and you’re sure to think cycling family days out or pottering about on any one of the many stretches of open water.

Although Dutch, of course, is the native language, practically everyone you meet will have (very good) English as their second language – so striking up a conversation is never likely to be all that taxing. As anywhere, though, it always goes down well if you have at least a spattering of the country’s own language.

What documents will I need?

To legally drive in the Netherlands, visitors must be 18 years or older and possess a full, valid driving licence. For motorcycle riders operating vehicles up to 125cc, the minimum age requirement is also 18.

Driving licences issued in European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries are accepted in the Netherlands. While international driving permits are recognized, they are not obligatory.

To ensure compliance with local regulations, it is imperative you carry the following documents while driving in the Netherlands:

  • Full, valid UK driving licence
  • Proof of identification (passport)
  • Motor insurance certificate
  • V5 registration document

Plus, you will need a “UK” sticker, not “GB”.

On the road

Although you’ll be driving on the right, the highway code is very much as you find it at home – although there are one or two differences to bear in mind.

Different speed limits apply depending on the vehicle you are driving – see the Caravan & Motorhome Club for more information here.

Unless otherwise directed, always give way to vehicles emerging from the right and remember that use of your mobile phone while driving is prohibited (but hands-free devices are allowed).

Roads and motorways are toll-free, but there are several different anti-congestion and low emission zones in different cities – so make sure you’re aware of the rules in place if you intend driving there. Sounding your horn in cities is also illegal.

Overnight in your motorhome

When it’s time to turn in for the night, you must park your motorhome on a recognised campsite – so-called “wild camping” is prohibited and strictly enforced with a possible fine of up to €500 per person, according to the website Caravanya.

Fortunately, therefore, campsites are plentiful, of a high standard, and affordable (according to some sources, prices are ranked the seventh cheapest in Europe).

Ideal for your motorhome tour is Delftse Hout campsite, near the city of Delft, with its typically Dutch architecture and famous for its ceramics. The 5-star site is surrounded by a beautiful park, has mostly grass pitches, is family-friendly and has English-speaking staff.

If you thought the whole of Holland was flat, just visit the southern part of the country towards its borders with Germany and Belgium. Set in rolling hills, with stunning views across South Limburg, is the beautiful Europarcs Gulperberg.

Buying any motorhome represents a more significant investment than buying a runabout car. Buying a motorhome in the distinguished class and luxury of an Auto-Sleeper is likely to be a still bigger investment.

So, how might you go about financing your Auto-Sleeper purchase? The good news is that there should be a finance solution that most suits you.


If it has long been your dream to own a motorhome, you might have been saving over the years for the tidy sum likely to be required. If you have savings set aside, this could be a straightforward way to finance your motorhome. Using your own funds eliminates the need for a loan and avoids interest charges. However, ensure that you still have an emergency fund after the purchase.

Equity release

For homeowners who have reached the age of 55 or over, the dreams they nurtured in owning a motorhome might be realised through equity release.

Typically, this involves a so-called lifetime mortgage on the home that is owned, so that you have the cash released through its equity but make no repayments on the loan until the property is sold, you go into long-term care or you die.

Auto-Sleeper finance

Auto-Sleeper finance, on the other hand, helps you avoid having to do anything quite as drastic as blowing your savings or unlocking the equity in your home in order to purchase a motorhome.

A reputable Auto-Sleeper dealer is almost certain to be able to offer a range of finance options – and, to do so, must be registered with and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Those options might include:

  • a personal loan – for the whole or just part of the purchase of your Auto-Sleeper – with repayment terms spread over several years;
  • hire purchase – which typically involves you paying an initial deposit of around 10% of the purchase price – and equal monthly payments until the final balance is cleared; or
  • Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) – the widely popular method of car finance which has also been extended to the purchase of motorhomes and which leaves you the option of returning the vehicle at the end of the contract agreement instead of paying the final “balloon” instalment to complete the purchase.

As with any finance credit agreement, of course, the terms of your Auto-Sleeper finance is going to depend on your creditworthiness – the healthier your credit score, the more favourable the rate of interest you are likely to be offered and the better your chances of securing the credit you need.

Motorhome finance calculator

You can use our online motorhome finance calculator here that will help you decide how much you need to borrow, the repayment terms and any other conditions that may be attached to your Auto-Sleeper finance deal.

Specialist Auto-Sleeper dealers – such as ourselves at Derby Motorhomes – are likely to have close working relationships with several major banks, brokers and financial institutions, offering you a wide choice of different types of finance to suit your particular needs and circumstances.

What else do I need to consider when financing a motorhome?

  • Determine and stick to your budget: The first step in financing a motorhome is establishing a realistic budget. Consider not only the purchase price but also additional costs like insurance, maintenance, and storage. Knowing your financial limits will help you narrow down your choices and avoid overspending.
  • Credit Score. If you are going down the finance route, then remember that your credit score plays a crucial role in securing favourable financing terms. Before applying for a loan, check your credit report and score. A higher credit score increases your chances of qualifying for more attractive interest rates.
  • Insurance considerations: Remember to factor in insurance costs when budgeting for your motorhome. Insurance requirements may vary, so obtain quotes from different providers to find the most appropriate for your needs.

Financing a motorhome in the UK involves careful consideration of your budget, financing options, and future plans. By researching thoroughly, comparing offers, and understanding the terms, you can embark on your motorhome journey with confidence. Whether you choose a traditional loan, dealer financing, or another option, the key is to find the motorhome finance solution that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle.

Derby Motorhomes would like to wish all of our customers both new and old a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our 2023 Christmas hours are as follows:

Derby Motorhomes will be closed all Sundays during December.


Our Service/Aftersales close on Friday 15th December.

Our Service/Aftersales reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2024


Monday 18th – Thursday 21st of December 10.00am – 4.00pm

Our Sales will close on Friday 22nd December.

Our sales re-open Tuesday 2nd January 2024

We would like to thank all our customers for their business this year

and look forward to meeting you all again in the future

The Derby Motorhomes Team

When someone has owned an Auto-Sleeper motorhome they’re rarely likely to look back – when it comes the time to change or upgrade the leisure vehicle, therefore, they invariably buy Auto-Sleeper again.

If you’re in the market for buying a top-quality, pre-loved motorhome, therefore, you might want to take more than a second look at any Auto-Sleeper for sale.

Why buy a used Auto-Sleeper?

Auto-Sleepers are famed for their quality, luxury and level of finish. The design and craftsmanship that goes into every model to emerge from the factory in the Cotswolds ensures a level of comfort that is second to none among British-built motorhomes.

So, an Auto-Sleeper is built to last. Even when the first owner decides it is time to renew or upgrade, therefore, there is still likely to be plenty of life left in the original model.

Motorhomes tend to hold their price much better than an average car – and an Auto-Sleeper holds its price better than an average motorhome. But all vehicles inevitably depreciate in value over time. That means you may be able to make appreciable savings on the price of a used Auto-Sleeper compared with one that is brand new.

Here we discuss what you need to consider when buying a preloved Auto-Sleeper motorhome.

Budget and financing

Determine your budget for the purchase, considering not only the initial price but also potential ongoing costs like insurance, maintenance, fuel, and camping fees.

Explore financing options if needed, such as personal loans or motorhome-specific financing from reputable lenders or a dealership. You can use our motorhome finance calculator here to get an idea of costs.

Research and model selection

Conduct thorough research on Auto-Sleeper models available in the used market, considering your specific needs and preferences regarding size, layout, features, and amenities.

Check online reviews, forums, and user experiences to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different models.

Once you have a budget and idea of what is the best Auto-Sleeper for you, then you have two options as to where to buy your motorhome from.

Where to buy a used Auto-Sleeper

Private sale

You might see an Auto-Sleeper for sale when it’s advertised in a magazine or online listing site.

As you might have discovered when attempting to buy any vehicle through such a private sale, however, the transaction can be fraught with frustration and danger. You need something of an expert eye to check that the vehicle is everything it’s cracked up to be, you have to negotiate a fair price with the vendor, and it’s your responsibility to check that the vendor has title to the motorhome and that it is not subject to any outstanding finance.

You need to check the service history – to ensure that servicing and maintenance has been carried out by approved dealers – and it is down to you to check that everything is clean and has been well cared for.

Most worrying of all when buying through a private sale, perhaps, comes if anything goes wrong with the motorhome you have just bought. You have no come-back if the motorhome is bought “as seen”.

Here we highlight what you need to do if buying an Auto-Sleeper via a private sale …

Inspect the motorhome

Inspect the motorhome thoroughly, both inside and outside, for any signs of wear and tear, water damage, leaks, rust, or structural issues.

Check the engine, brakes, tyres, suspension, and other mechanical components for their condition and any history of repairs or maintenance.

Habitation check

Ensure that the habitation area of the motorhome, including living, kitchen, bathroom, and sleeping spaces, is in good condition and all systems are working properly.

Test gas appliances, electrical systems, water systems, heating, ventilation, and safety features during the inspection.

Service history and documentation

Request and review the motorhome’s service history, maintenance records, and any relevant documentation such as vehicle manuals, registration, and MOT certificates.

Check for a valid MOT certificate to confirm the motorhome’s roadworthiness and compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Ownership and previous use

Verify the number of previous owners and the type of usage the motorhome has had.

Ask about any accidents, damages, or repairs the motorhome may have undergone in the past.

Legal and financial checks

Ensure that the motorhome has a clear title and is not subject to any outstanding finance or legal issues.

Run an HPI (Hire Purchase Information) check or similar to confirm the vehicle’s history and ownership status.

Negotiate and finalise the purchase

Negotiate the price based on the condition of the motorhome, its features, market value, and any necessary repairs or improvements.

If you’re satisfied with the inspection and negotiations, finalise the purchase, ensuring all paperwork, payments, and transfer of ownership are completed accurately and legally.

Insurance and registration

Arrange motorhome insurance that meets your needs, considering factors like usage, value, and additional cover options.

Complete the registration process and ensure the necessary paperwork is filed with the appropriate authorities.

Post-purchase considerations

Plan for any immediate repairs or improvements that may be required based on the inspection.

Familiarise yourself with the motorhome’s features, systems, and maintenance requirements for a safe and enjoyable ownership experience.

Buying a used Auto-Sleeper from a dealer

You are in much safer hands, of course, if you buy a used Auto-Sleeper from a reputable dealer.

Owners of Auto-Sleepers tend to be loyal to the dealer from which they first bought the motorhome. They rely on the same specialist dealer for the servicing and maintenance of the motorhome and go there for the subsequent fitting of any extras or accessories.

When it comes time to renew or upgrade the vehicle, they are also likely to ask that dealer to handle its sale. So, the majority of Auto-Sleepers you see for sale are likely to be in the hands of specialist dealers, such as us here at Derbymotorhomes. They are likely to prove your most active market.

When buying from such a dealer, you may be assured that the motorhome has been thoroughly inspected and serviced, you have a full range of warranty options, and you have a contact through whom any post-sale snags or concerns may be resolved.

Things like HPI checks etc. would have been carried out, so you have no worries over the ownership of the Auto-Sleeper.

And if you have an existing motorhome that you are looking to sell, then your can look at motorhome part-exchange options too, with your dealership.

NEC Show 17th – 22nd October, Hall 8 Stand 8.25

Well, what a year! It’s incredible how fast this year seems to be moving along; it feels as though it was only a few weeks ago that we were all preparing for the NEC show back in February, and here we are yet again, October and ready for the next one!

 Derby Motorhomes, The Auto Sleeper Exhibition Centre are very pleased to announce, yet again, that Tim Lemon and Mike Smith will be available to meet and talk to on Auto-Sleeper’s stand all week.

However, as an indication of just how well anticipated this event has been, the organisers have advised that tickets for this show are selling well and in demand, so please make sure that you’ve booked your tickets in advance.

Tim and Mike are again very much looking forward to meeting customers old and new during the event next week and if you haven’t bought your tickets yet, but intended to come along to buy an Auto-Sleeper, please give Tim or Mike a call, we have a great selection of new 2024 model Auto-Sleepers on order with the factory and if you prefer, you’ll be able to reserve one over the telephone too.

Why not give Tim or Mike a call now? – (01332) 360222

As you’ll know from our Derby Motorhomes site, we’re proud to offer a range of Auto-Sleepers motorhomes for sale.

However, we’re also regularly asked: “Who are Auto-Sleepers?”. So, we’d like to say a few words on the subject here.

Understanding motorhomes

There are many different types of motorhome – including the Auto-Sleepers motorhome.

Some of them have their origin in a power plant and chassis provided by a major manufacturer such as Mercedes-Benz. Once that power plant and chassis are to hand, there is then the very significant task of designing and building the accommodation unit to sit on top of it.

A slight variation on that theme is when a motor manufacturer produces what might be termed a standard van. That can then be taken and the internals can be entirely redesigned and converted so that the van becomes a smaller form of motorhome (these are often referred to as “van conversions”).

The challenge

The process described above is by no means as simple as it sounds.

It takes an extraordinary degree of design skill and engineering capability to undertake either of the above two tasks. Not only is this a technological issue but it also requires considerable imagination and design flair.

If you view the photographs on our website, you will see the stunning and stylish interiors of some of these splendid vehicles. You’ll be able to see at a glance that maximising the use of space while continuing to achieve a designer or boutique look to the finish, is something to be admired.

These skills take many years to develop and hone – and they aren’t something that can simply be output from a computer programme at the push of a button. In many cases, this requires human know-how and craftsman-like knowledge.

This is where Auto-Sleepers comes into the picture.

Auto-Sleepers, designers and builders par excellence

Auto-Sleepers is a British motorhome and campervan manufacturer based in the Cotswolds near the charming town of Broadway.

They specialise in designing, manufacturing, and selling a range of campervans, motorhomes, and van conversions. The company has been in operation for several decades and is well-known for producing high-quality, well-designed, and reliable vehicles for recreational travel.

Auto-Sleepers offers a variety of models and designs, catering to different preferences and needs of travellers. These can range from compact campervans to larger motorhomes with various layouts and features to suit different lifestyles and travel requirements.

Their vehicles typically include features such as living areas, sleeping accommodations, kitchens, bathrooms, and other amenities to provide a comfortable and convenient travel experience. Auto-Sleepers often incorporate innovative designs and technology to enhance the functionality and efficiency of their vehicles.

Over time Auto-Sleepers have established an incomparable reputation for producing quality vehicles and interior design solutions that is the envy of many other people in the marketplace. You can see multiple examples of their work on our website, and we think the results speak for themselves!

Why we choose Auto-Sleepers

As a long-standing professional organisation, we take our responsibility to our customers extremely seriously.

From our vast experience, we know that an Auto-Sleepers motorhome offers exceptional quality and comforts though at a cost-effective price. We will never compromise on our selection of vehicles to offer our clients and this explains, in a nutshell, why we are proud to have had such a lengthy association with Auto-Sleepers.

We are confident that you will find an Auto-Sleepers motorhome that is to your satisfaction and which fits your budgetary requirements and invite you to use our online tools to inspect some of these magnificent vehicles yourself. Alternatively, please pop along to our showroom.

Further reading: Choosing the right Auto-Sleeper model and Why buy Auto-Sleepers?

When it comes to servicing your motorhome, it might be worth remembering that it is effectively a two-in-one vehicle – there’s the vehicle which gets you from A to B and inside there are the living quarters that make it your temporary home away from home.

Both aspects need to be taken care of, so, you might want to insist that your motorhome servicing is performed only by a reputable, well-established and competent dealer.

Mechanical service

Your motorhome is subject to the same laws and regulations as other vehicles in terms of the MOT certificate that is required once it is more than three years old.

If your motorhome has reached the age when an MOT test is necessary, this may also be the time to arrange for it to be serviced. Regular servicing throughout the life of your motorhome is likely to be a condition of any warranty offered by the manufacturer or dealer.

To ensure that you abide by the terms and conditions of any warranty, you may also need to make sure that the workshops you use for the mechanical service use only genuine, manufacturer-recommended replacement parts.

What is a motorhome habitation service?

If it is the first motorhome you have owned, you might be less familiar with the term habitation service. It is essentially the specialised servicing necessary to maintain the living quarters of your motorhome.

A UK motorhome habitation service is a routine maintenance and safety check performed on a motorhome’s habitation area or living space. This service is essential to ensure the motorhome’s living quarters are safe, functional, and comply with relevant regulations and standards.

What does a habitation service cover?

The habitation service typically covers facilities such as the gas, electrical, water, and heating systems in your motorhome – including the galley and the fridge, although some servicing of appliances might be done separately. It also covers a check for any leaks in the structure of your vehicle and any problems which might be traced to damp or mould.

Habitation servicing is pretty thorough and time-consuming in giving the interior of your motorhome the exhaustive treatment it needs. Typical tasks involved in a motorhome habitation service may include:

  • Gas system check: Inspecting gas appliances, connections, and ensuring proper ventilation to prevent gas leaks or carbon monoxide issues.
  • Electrical system check: Testing the electrical systems, including lighting, sockets, appliances, and the leisure battery, to ensure they function correctly and safely.
  • Water system Check: Checking for leaks, ensuring the water pump works correctly, and testing the water heater and other plumbing components.
  • Ventilation check: Inspecting and testing the ventilation systems to ensure proper airflow and prevent condensation or mould growth.
  • Dampness and seals check: Checking for any signs of dampness, water leaks, or damage to seals and addressing issues to prevent further damage.
  • Fire safety check: Ensuring that fire safety equipment like smoke alarms and fire extinguishers are functional and accessible.
  • Appliance and equipment check: Inspecting and testing appliances such as the cooker, refrigerator, heating systems, etc., to ensure they work correctly and are safe to use.
  • Structural and body Inspection: Inspecting the structure of the motorhome, including windows, doors, locks, hinges, and bodywork, to identify any damage or potential issues.

As with mechanical servicing, regular habitation services are likely to be one of the conditions of the warranty that comes with your motorhome. For that to be valid, of course, you need to rely on a specialist workshop, experienced in conducting such servicing, to maintain your warranty.

Where do I get a motorhome habitation service?

Probably the best way of achieving that degree of reassurance is to use a member of the Approved Workshop Scheme (AWS) set up by the National Caravan Council, the Camping and Caravanning Club, and the Caravan and Motorhome Club.

By choosing a reputable, approved, specialist workshop for your motorhome servicing, such as us here at Derby Motorhomes, you ensure that sufficient time is taken to carry out the rigorous checks, using the specialist tools that are required.

Regular servicing of your motorhome – for both the mechanical and habitation integrity and safety of the vehicle – is an essential part of owning it. It expresses your tender loving care for your motorhome, maintains the validity of any warranty, and ultimately preserves its trade-in value.