
Apart from some of the more usual and expected questions about insurance for your motorhome, there are others that might seem relatively uncommon – but are no less important for all that.

Here are just two examples of the questions we are sometimes asked:

  • can I live in my motorhome full time and keep it insured?
  • what happens to my house insurance if I am away on extended motorhome trips?

In some ways, the questions might seem related – yet the issues they raise are certainly different.

Living permanently in your motorhome

It’s important to state at the outset, perhaps, that the overwhelming majority of motorhome insurance providers consider motorhomes to be vehicles you use occasionally for recreational purposes. It’s no coincidence, of course, that motorhomes are often referred to as “RVs” – quite simply, recreational vehicles.

Typical motorhome insurance policies will contain a clause that limits, in some form or another, just how much you can use your motorhome in a given year. That may be some months and that might be entirely satisfactory for the vast majority of motorhome owners. However, if you decide you want to spend your life on the road, it is likely to be inadequate for you.

There is no mystery behind the reasoning here.

Insurance providers use certain algorithms designed to calculate the risk of offering you cover. The facts they use to construct your risk profile include certain assumptions about your permanent address and how much time you will be living there for each year, as opposed to using your motorhome.

If you plan to be on the road all the time, in effect you don’t have a permanent address and that is going to cause many insurance providers a degree of conceptual difficulty in terms of offering you cover.

It may be possible to obtain specialist cover if you do decide to spend your life on the road but the key message here is to avoid simply selling up and driving off in your motorhome on the assumption that your existing motorhome insurance will be valid. It may not be!

How much time can you spend in your motorhome before it impacts your home insurance?

At first sight, this is also a question related to spending longer periods of time in your motorhome – but it raises quite different issues that have no direct impact on your motorhome insurance.

The challenges here arise from the fact that your existing standard home insurance almost certainly contains a clause limiting how long – counted in consecutive days and nights – you can leave your property unoccupied before your insurance is at risk.

That period of time is usually somewhere between 30 and 45 consecutive days.

If you wish to go off and spend extended time on the road discovering the world in your motorhome, you will typically need to remember that you may need to contact your home insurance provider about your plans and consider whether you must arrange specialist unoccupied property insurance. This will extend a policy to cover your property for longer periods when you are not in residence.


A key message that emerges from our consideration of both these questions relates to the importance of disclosure to your insurance company. Put another way, you must make sure that your motorhome insurer and any broker involved are both kept fully informed when there is any change at all in your circumstances (those that existed when the cover commenced) – and that includes a decision to live for a time in your motorhome or to leave your home temporarily unoccupied for longer than a month or so.

Most insurance providers will try to be as flexible and as helpful as they can in order to help you to enjoy your motorhome to the fullest possible extent.

Your motorhome is likely to prove great for enjoying the great outdoors, but don’t assume that it’s suitable only for trips into the wild and remote countryside.

On the contrary, many people love the versatility of a motorhome for exploring some of the fascinating and beautiful cities here in the UK – and in Europe, too.

Here are a few ideas from the team here at Derby Motorhomes about motorhome city breaks in the UK you might wish to think about.


The historic capital of Scotland commonly features in any top-three listing of the most attractive cities in the UK.

The city is simply packed with things to do and see as well as having the additional benefit of being surrounded by some beautiful countryside to the south and north. Some of the coastal towns around the Firth of Forth are also well worth exploring if – however unlikely that’s going to be – you grow bored with Edinburgh’s attractions.

You might indeed struggle to find a campsite for your motorhome in the city centre itself, but there are plenty in surrounding areas that are serviced by good public transport links.

Do note that like many cities, Edinburgh now has major traffic restriction measures in place – so, you’ll want to make best use of the several park and ride schemes available.


With its Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxon, and medieval past still very much in evidence, York is clearly an ancient city of northern England.

The cathedral is the focal point of the town but there are simply stacks of other attractions – notably, the medieval Shambles, the Jorvik Viking Centre, and the historic, largely intact, city walls themselves.

You can also take in the North Yorkshire Moors and the Yorkshire coastline for some stunning scenery during day trips out from the city.

Stratford upon Avon

In the peak holiday season of July and August, this charming, but small, town can become a little packed with tourists. However, at other times of the year, it is much more manageable with space and room to wander around and about the wealth of historic buildings – many associated with one of the fathers of English literature, Shakespeare himself.

In the surrounding countryside, you’ll also find other Midland towns that are more than worth a visit including Warwick, Leamington Spa, and Kenilworth.


Now, it’s perfectly true that Manchester doesn’t often score highly in terms of the picturesque quality of its city centre but that shouldn’t detract from its many attractions. The website Trip Savvy ranks Manchester in third place among the top twenty of UK cities for international visitors.

Here in the northwest’s powerhouse, there are some major galleries and museums – not to mention a vibrant and very trendy commercial life on display in the centre of the city.

The city is also well positioned to explore some of the industrial museums and heritage of towns in Lancashire to the north and Cheshire to the south.


The ancient city of Canterbury boasts some of the country’s finest medieval architecture, including one of its oldest cathedrals, and its place in literary history thanks to the Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer at the close of the 14th century.

The city makes a natural base for exploring the county of Kent – aptly called the Garden of England, with some stunning countryside and a breath-taking coastline just a short drive away.

Top tips for exploring city centres

Don’t forget that, particularly during the holiday season, good campsites close to city centres can be snapped up very quickly by eager motorhome owners. So, make sure that you book in advance to secure the pitch you’re after for that city break in your motorhome.

If you can, take some personal transport with you like bicycles. It’ll make it much easier for you to get around and you’ll be less likely to run into some of the traffic congestion that, however much you try to avoid it, can be a fact of life with areas surrounding major conurbations.

It might also be highly advisable to seek sites that are located within very easy reach of good public transport services into the city. Not all cities are necessarily equally well equipped in terms of the transport infrastructure, so a little internet research will be essential.

Wherever you choose for your city break, it’s probably always a good idea to avoid, driving your motorhome into the city centre. You might get lucky, but you won’t want to lose a lot of your precious exploring time simply driving around one-way systems while trying to find a car park suitable for motorhomes.

Above all, though, remember to have fun!

Here is a very brief guide to the basic principles of motorhome security.

A tale of two halves

Security considerations fall into two broad categories:

  • systems designed to reduce the chances of your motorhome being stolen; and
  • measures that are aimed at helping to reduce unauthorised entry and the subsequent theft of the contents, fixtures, or fittings of your vehicle.

Reducing the risks of vehicle theft

Typically, your motorhome will come with some forms of integrated security from the point of manufacture.

The first and most obvious of those is usually whatever system the manufacturer uses to stop the unauthorised ignition of the engine. Even in today’s technologically advanced age, a physical key remains the most often used device. But there are also increasing numbers of electronic security systems in place, and these require some form of contact technology or a PIN number to be inserted.

Motorhomes often come with professional-quality steering locks and other forms of immobiliser.

Even so, thieves are nothing if not imaginative and innovative – so, may be able to work around some of these proprietary security systems. Vehicle thefts increased by more than 50% in the past six years, according to a report by AutoCar magazine back in 2020.

That’s why it might be worth investing in extra security measures – and a guide published by the Camping and Caravanning Club details some of the most common of these, such as:

  • additional steering locks and security devices;
  • wheel clamps;
  • intruder, movement, and other alarms;
  • tracking devices of one form or another; and
  • professional quality anti-entry locks on things such as all doors, windows and even skylights (crooks have been known to use very small children to gain entrance to vehicles and properties through tiny openings).

Internal security

Your basic objective here is to stop unauthorised parties from gaining entry to your motorhome.

A secondary objective is that of making it too difficult or too risky for burglars to steal the contents.

Your motorhome may come with decent quality security locks on its doors and windows, but these can sometimes be enhanced and upgraded or supplemented for a relatively modest additional cost.

You might want to consider other measures, such as:

  • security marking some of your more valuable internal fixtures and fittings – that may not stop them being stolen but it will mean that you can identify them, should they ever be picked up by the authorities;
  • it’s always sensible not to leave valuable possessions in your motorhome when you are away from it – but in situations where you have no other option, it might be sensible to purchase a strong internal security safe that can be bolted securely into the vehicle;
  • fitting alarms can also prove to be a powerful disincentive to many of the more opportunistic burglars;
  • today it’s also possible to get high-quality and hidden video systems that can film intruders and notify you directly to your smartphone in many cases live-streaming the video to you – once again this might not physically stop a break-in, but it may be a major disincentive and could also prove to be useful evidence for an eventual prosecution.

Insurance issues

When it comes to insurance cover for your motorhome, there are two further security-related aspects – and the opportunity to save money on the premiums you pay if you upgrade the vehicle’s security:

  • some policies may actually require you to take certain specific security steps by way of protecting against the theft of your vehicle or its contents – an example might be limitations about where you leave your motorhome unattended – so, it’s always a good idea to read your policy carefully and make sure you comply with all its conditions, including those touching on the minimum security requirements;
  • more positively, some policies might offer attractive discounts if you take certain security measures – and might go some way towards offsetting part of any costs involved in upgrading your protection.

All these points are worth thinking about and, of course, we’d be pleased to discuss them further with you.

After saving some hard-earned cash and with countless destinations reopened after several years of Covid restrictions, your long-awaited motorhome has finally arrived. You took great care and not a little time choosing the vehicle of your dreams – and now it’s sitting in your driveway.

Taking your motorhome on the road for the first time, however, is bound to bring on a flush of the nerves and there are a few things to do to prepare yourself for that first outing – or, indeed, refresh your memory, if you’ve not driven the vehicle for a while.

1. Take stock

Before you go anywhere, just sit in the driving seat and familiarise yourself with the controls. You’ll want to know where everything is, especially in an emergency, but it shouldn’t be too long before your reactions become second nature – just as they should be.

2. Passengers

Your family members are just as likely to want to clamber on board to take that first journey in your new motorhome. But it will probably be less taxing on your nerves if you persuade potential passengers to wait at least until you’ve driven the vehicle around the block a few times.

When you are ready for passengers, you and your co-pilot, of course, will be in the seats facing forward in the cockpit. Eager children, however, may be fighting for seats behind you in the rear of the vehicle – and that’s where a degree of caution and common-sense may need to be exercised.

Guidance published by the Camping and Caravanning Club emphasises this general need for common-sense. It points out that any motorhome first registered on or after the 20th of October 2007 must have seatbelts fitted to “designated travel seats”.

The guidance goes on to explain that only forward and rear-facing seats are suitable as travelling seats – and will, therefore, have the necessary seatbelts appropriately anchored in place. Typically, of course, that rules out side-facing seats as safe travelling seats. Even if these are fitted to such side-facing seats, it is not advisable to use them at all when travelling, because of the danger of injury in a collision.

3. Preparing the vehicle

If you’ve taken delivery of a new motorhome, your supplier is almost certain to have performed all the necessary checks to ensure that the vehicle is in perfect working order.

It is your responsibility, however, to ensure that it stays that way and that everything is packed and stowed away safely and securely.

That means making sure that you know the maximum authorised laden weight of your motorhome and that you do not exceed it. An overloaded vehicle is unsafe since it is more difficult to control, and you are putting excess pressure on the load-bearing tyres. What is more, you face a stiff fine and penalty points on your driving licence if your vehicle is overloaded and you are stopped by the police.

Be careful in the positioning of the items you pack, putting the heaviest on the floor in the middle of the motorhome, other heavier items evenly spread across the remaining floor area and only lightweight items in overhead lockers and cupboards.

Secure everything to make sure none of it shifts while you are on the road.

4. Tyres

Tyre pressures are even more important on your motorhome than on many other vehicles.

The Camping and Caravanning Club suggests that you might consider using TyrePal which constantly monitors the pressure in the tyres and warns you of any pending problems. The Club also recommends the use of a rear-facing camera – especially when you are a novice at manoeuvring a larger vehicle in reverse.

We hope these four quick tips will help you feel confident when you first hit the road in your motorhome. Enjoy your trip!

NEC Show, February 22nd – 27th, 2022

Finally, after two years of waiting, the NEC Caravan Camping and Motorhome Show is making a welcome return.

Derby Motorhomes, The Auto Sleeper Exhibition Centre are very pleased to announce that Tim Lemon and Mike Smith will be available to meet and talk to on Auto-Sleeper’s stand all week.

However, as an indication of just how well anticipated this event has been, the organisers have advised that tickets for this show have now sold-out and tickets are not available to buy in person on the gate, so please, do not try to attend without a ticket.

Tim and Mike very much look forward to meeting customers old and new during the event next week, however, if you haven’t bought your tickets yet but intended to come along to buy an Auto-Sleeper, please give Tim or Mike a call, we have a good selection of Auto-Sleepers on order and still available with the factory and you will be able to reserve one over the telephone.

Give Tim or Mike a call now, 01332 360222 – option 1

Who doesn’t love to be beside the seaside? If it’s a motorhome holiday you’re interested in, that’s likely to be even more the case – and, thankfully, there are coastal motorhome parks aplenty to choose from.

It’s worth keeping in mind that being close to the coast doesn’t always necessarily mean close to the beach, of course. Some coastal locations can offer stunning views but little opportunity to get down and access the immediate shoreline and sea.

So, you might want to think carefully about what you are looking for in a break near the coast – and that’s likely to influence your choice of the coastal motorhome park that’ll suit you down to the ground.

Here is a selection of different coastal sites around the UK that you might find interesting – and certainly worth exploring:

North Somerset beaches

  • these quite rightly include well-known destinations such as Minehead and Ilfracombe;
  • there are some great locations around here where you can explore the coast on genuinely sandy beaches;
  • as an added bonus, a little drive inland and you will get to some of Somerset’s equally legendary inland attractions such as Glastonbury;

Scottish beaches

  • all around the east and west coasts, Scotland is blessed with some uniquely beautiful, fine, sandy beaches;
  • around Culzean, for example, in the west and Broughty Ferry in the east, there are some fantastic sandy beaches – and the same is true if you go down the Kintyre peninsula towards Campbeltown;
  • true, those scorching hot days on Scottish beaches are a comparative rarity but, in the summertime, the weather is often much better than you may expect;


  • the beaches around Lowestoft are hugely underrated and little-known other than to people who visit from the immediate vicinity – Suffolk is an incredibly beautiful county and has a magnificent coastline, though it is strangely often overlooked;
  • the upside of that, though, is that some of these locations may be much quieter than better-known beaches elsewhere;

North Yorkshire Coast

  • large stretches of this coast are perhaps more suited to coastal path walking and climbing, with care, on rocks near the sea but there are also some spectacularly beautiful little inlets and fishing villages such as Robin Hood’s Bay;

South Wales

  • here there are some beautiful sandy beaches and some stunning scenery;
  • yet again, for some reason, this area is often far less well known than North Wales and the Snowdonia National Park but for fun and sandy beaches, many would argue that the south wins hands down;

The Norfolk Coast

  • in Norfolk, you’ll find vast stretches of coastline that are just as nature intended – mainly wide-open beaches or marshes running down to the sea;
  • there are some great seaside fun type beaches such as Cromer and Great Yarmouth, but you can also find many areas that are relatively seldomly visited and, therefore, open to some great coastal exploration if you enjoy the discovery of beachcombing;


  • many would argue that Northumbria has some of the best beaches In the United Kingdom – again, there are huge areas that are little populated and which, therefore, offer the chance to explore the sea and coastline without stepping over sunbathing bodies;
  • just like Scotland, don’t necessarily assume that the weather here is always wet and windy because it simply isn’t, although this sort of beach holiday would probably be more typically suited to the explorer rather than those who want to soak up some serious rays on the sand.

There will be some excellent coastal motorhomes parks available in all of the above geographic regions. The UK is fortunate to have such an extensive and diverse coastline – so get out there and enjoy!

Now that the pandemic is retreating across most of Europe, it is time to dust off your old maps and fire up the GPS to take your motorhome further afield for any up and coming holidays.

Once you’re touring within Europe, of course, there are literally tens of thousands of destinations that would be well worth seeing – and the only downside is that you’re likely to be thoroughly spoiled for choice.

Our following top ten of places to visit is made in no particular order or ranking – since the last thing we’d want to engage in is the dangerous game of suggesting that one destination is any better than another!

So, let’s instead offer some very general ideas and suggestions.

  1. France – for an unrivalled all-round experience

France is far from ever becoming “old hat” and it’s often unbeatable in terms of broad-spectrum appeal. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • roads that are typically traffic-free;
  • a wide range of geography and climates;
  • thousands of great historical towns and cities to visit;
  • fantastic cuisine; and
  • it’s close to the UK.

It’s little wonder, says cross-Channel ferry company Condor, that France is the most visited country in the world.

  1. Northern Spain and the Basque country

If you like beautiful cities, Spanish food and some great historic sites, this area has it all – aplenty.

The advantage of this relatively undiscovered part of Spain is that the Basque country lacks the crowds and “internationalisation” commonly associated with large parts of the Mediterranean coast. However, be aware that even at the height of summer the weather here is not guaranteed to be sunny and hot.

  1. Belgium

This small country is sometimes overlooked. That’s a pity because Belgium has some truly beautiful cities and towns – many steeped in history – which are well worth visiting.

Noteworthy destinations in your motorhome are likely to include Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp and, of course, Brussels.

  1. The Republic of Ireland

Dublin is one of Europe’s most attractive towns in terms of its architecture and culture.

True, the Emerald Isle is not a destination guaranteed to be great for the suntan, but the countryside is stunning and well worth seeing.

  1. Northern Italy

The region around Milan, Turin and to the north and west of those great cities is beautiful. Northern Italy has the Alps and lakes then further south, there are beaches and coastline. Italian cuisine also needs no introduction!

Virtually all of the towns in the area are awash with history.

  1. Bavaria and Southern Germany

Of course, people tend to know this region for its mountainous scenery and some great historical cities such as Munich.

These are all worth visiting but this is also an area with beautiful fairytale castles, great cultural traditions including some very good food and – dare we say it – some of the best beer in the world.

  1. Denmark and Southern Sweden

Copenhagen is a marvellous city and should be seen. There are also many charming towns in the southern part of Sweden too.

Scandinavia isn’t necessarily the cheapest part of Europe to visit but it’s a unique culture and you’ll be guaranteed a warm welcome – a definite plus is that English is widely spoken.

  1. Poland – Warsaw

It’ll be a rather longer drive, of course, but the capital of Poland, Warsaw, will be well worth the visit. It’s one of Europe’s main cultural centres now, having been almost totally rebuilt after the destruction of WWII.

  1. Northern Portugal

Avoid the crowds that flock south to the Algarve and, instead, try the area around Oporto. You’ll find Northern Portugal altogether greener, quieter and with some brilliant beaches – not to mention that special combination that comes with lots of history.

Again, the weather isn’t absolutely 100% guaranteed due to the Atlantic but it’s worth the risk.

  1. Holland

Don’t expect Alpine scenery! Holland is largely flat, but it does have some great recreational countryside and coastline. It’s all ideal for bikes, of course.

The country’s big attractions are its great historic towns like Den Haag (The Hague), Amsterdam and Leiden.

Wherever you’re heading off to, we all wish you the very best for the coming holiday season.

It can make for a rowdy and raucous time when children at play are doing what only comes naturally. They’re typically buzzing with energy and full of exuberance while running around, chasing, and making lots of noise. It’s all a wonderful part of a healthy approach to growing up.

But there’s also a time and place for such exuberance though and times when you crave a little peace and quiet.

Thankfully, that yearning for the quieter and more peaceful things in life is recognised by many campsite owners who offer adult-only camping and caravan sites.

These can be found in various parts of the United Kingdom and some of them are located in some particularly beautiful surroundings. Here are some options:

Berwick Upon Tweed – The Chainbridge Touring Caravan Site

  • as the name suggests, this is located right on the border between England and Scotland – and in some beautiful countryside;
  • you have all the attractions of the River Tweed and its surrounding country pursuits;
  • there are also several historical sites well within reach – such as Bamburgh Castle, Berwick Upon Tweed itself, Lindisfarne and the Scottish border towns including places such as Jedburgh, Roxburgh, Hawick, and Peebles;

Somerset – Wells Touring Park

  • set in the rolling hills of the West Country, Wells is a beautiful city – the smallest in England – with an amazing cathedral;
  • it’s also close to a host of other attractions such as Glastonbury and its Tor, Avebury, Stonehenge and some of the great Devon and Dorset beaches;

Conwy (Conway), Wales – Tyddyn Du Touring Park

  • this is a beautiful campsite with some stunning views over the rugged North Wales countryside and the sea heading out towards the Isle of Anglesey;
  • if you looking to enjoy nature at its best, this is the place to come for a full range of rugged activities such as cycling, canoeing, hiking, etc;
  • there are many towns nearby that are all worth exploring including Conwy itself with its magnificent castle;

Oakham, Rutland – Greendale Farm Caravan & Camping Park

  • located in the heart of England’s smallest county, Oakham is an extremely attractive town and is surrounded by many others like it such as Melton Mowbray and Stamford;
  • the countryside and towns around here are very pretty and they’re often missed by tourists heading for the better-known attractions of Yorkshire in the other direction;
  • there are some nice facilities on this site, recently voted the best campsite for couples (without their children!) and great rural pursuits for those that love exercise;

Pickering, North Yorkshire – Overbrook Caravan Park

  • North Yorkshire is justifiably world-famous for its scenery and historic attractions;
  • the North York Moors are a must for a visit, as are some of the great ruined Abbeys – there are numerous castles and charming smaller towns, while the coastline should be considered a “must-see” in terms of its rugged beauty;
  • pitch up at Overbrook, a member of the coveted Tranquil Touring Parks group;

St Ives, Cambridgeshire – Stroud Hill Caravan Park

  • it is a complete myth that Cambridgeshire is entirely flat – there are some lovely parts in this county that are pleasantly rolling and that is partly why it was a much-visited and well-loved area for the artist John Constable;
  • Stroud Hill is another attractive campsite and while you are in the area, if you haven’t done so before, you must make the effort to visit Cambridge itself.

These are just a few general ideas and suggestions for adult-only campsites you might want to visit. Although the idea was probably overlooked for many years, the concept of quieter, more peaceful adults-only campsites has recently gained a lot of ground and with a little research, you should find that you have plenty to choose from.

Because of the vagaries of the British climate, there are seasons in the year when you might be in two minds about rolling out the motorhome for a weekend break or longer holiday.

The weather can be changeable at any time of the year, of course, but in wintertime, you’ll also have the risks of heavy rain and storms to contend with – and that’s even banking on the campsites you want still being open.

To help dispel those doubts and encourage you to clamber aboard your motorhome no matter what time of the year, here is a list of our top ten all-weather, all-season places to visit in the UK.

  1. Salcombe, Devon

The West Country’s mild climate makes a trip to Devon welcome at any time of the year, and Salcombe on Devon’s south coast is something of a paradise with its sub-tropical gardens – stay at the small, but inviting adults only Parkland Caravan and Camping site, just 8 miles out of town.

  1. Penzance, Cornwall

Drive still further into the southwest of England, and you will reach the Cornish peninsula of Penzance, and its stunning sea views and cliff walks for some bracing spring air – Cardinney Caravan and Camping Park’s 90 pitches offer a year-round welcome on a site reserved exclusively for adults.

  1. St Austell, Cornwall

You’ve made it as far as Cornwall, so why not enjoy a day or two longer and get even more exercise by walking the coastal paths around St Austell and the tucked-away fishing village of Gorran Haven.

In the nearby village of Threthurgy, there is a small caravan site (for a total of just 5 motorhomes or caravans) at the Camping and Cara Club’s Certified Site at Gray Farm.

  1. Alton Towers, Staffordshire

Who hasn’t heard of Alton Towers! It’s many a family’s idea of the perfect day out – why not cap it off by making a weekend of it by staying at Beech Croft Farm Caravan and Camping Park, near Buxton, so you can also enjoy the splendours of the Peak District National Park.

  1. Brockenhurst, Hampshire

Put a different spin on your next trip to the picturesque New Forest by visiting the Setley Ridge Vineyard, in the heart of the National Park, near Brockenhurst in Hampshire.

You can view grapes on the vine, the bottling process and buy a bottle or two, before retiring to one of the sites for motorhomes right on the doorstep at the Camping and Caravanning Club’s site at Hollands Wood.

  1. Wisbech, Cambridgeshire

Who could resist a motorhome campsite that has its own Hobbit Hill?

The Secret Garden Touring Park, near Wisbech, names its play area after the Hobbit, has a recently planted maze, a herd of pigs and its own duck pond, whilst the surrounding flat Fenland is ideal for bicycle trips.

  1. Edmonton, London

Yes, you can take your motorhome and stay within easy striking distance of the capital by camping at Lee Valley Camping and Caravanning Park in Edmonton. Just jump on a bus and explore all the sights, sounds and nightlife that London has to offer or take a trip along the river.

  1. Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire

Visit Robin Hood country by exploring Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire and on the 40-acre Sherwood Forest Holiday Park, which is close to the visitor centre and the National Nature Reserve.

  1. Talybont, North Wales

Even North Wales has its share of sunnier, early spring days when you can marvel at the stunning scenery surrounding a campsite like Islawrffordd Luxury Holiday Park, which has been owned and run by the same family since 1957.

  1. Kilchoan, Scottish Highlands

If you are truly adventurous and want to get away from it all before the season’s crowds begin to encroach, head off for the rugged west coast of Scotland, the beautiful coastal town of Oban, Fort William, and the brooding peaks of Glencoe.

Creagan Station Tourers caravan touring park will be the ideal place to pitch up at any time of the year to discover these delights of western Scotland.

What to expect after you have bought your Auto-Sleeper

We are regularly asked what happens after someone purchases an Auto-Sleepers vehicle from us. Not only are we happy to receive such questions, we actively encourage them.

That’s because at Derby Motorhomes we don’t see your signature on the bottom line as being the end of the sale. We see it instead as the start of a relationship.

So, let’s have a quick look at the process.

When does the sale start?

Once you have confirmed your purchase, we swing into action in terms of getting everything ready for you.

Every single piece of equipment in a motorhome will be thoroughly tested and checked before it is ever handed over to you. Our Auto-Sleepers technicians are second-to-none in terms of their skills, knowledge and most importantly, commitment to total customer service.

Once that test is complete, our technicians will pass the vehicle over to our valeting services. Although the vehicle should already be in near immaculate condition, we will make sure that it is absolutely perfect and spotlessly ready for you to take delivery of. 100% perfection in this respect is non-negotiable as far as we are concerned.

Motorhome know how

We will demonstrate how your Auto-Sleeper works when you collect your vehicle, so you can familiarise yourself with the controls. We also have several “how to” videos you can watch here if you are unsure.

Post-delivery services

Once you have formally taken possession of the vehicle, things move on to the next stage in the development of our relationship with you.

We have a great emotional commitment to our vehicles and customers, so there is no question that we simply wave you off into the distance after delivery and then forget who you are.

We are always available for questions, as you gain familiarity with your Auto-Sleepers motorhome.


It hopefully goes without saying that a key factor in keeping your motorhome in tip-top condition is appropriate and regular servicing. Not only is that imperative in keeping everything as it should be, but it might also be important should you ever decide to sell your vehicle.

Potential buyers typically look closely at the service history and it’s something that can make a significant difference to the price you will eventually receive. That is why we have a clearly publicised and priced service schedule for all of the models we supply. We strongly recommend that you take note and subsequently use our services to your advantage.

Help and guidance

Our post-sales service isn’t just about helping you keep your motorhome in great condition. We can also play a role in assisting you to get the maximum enjoyment possible out of it, such as retrofitting services.

You can also browse our website for motorhome information and tips.

We are aware that it may sound a little sales-like but the reality is that we want to maintain relationships with all of our clients and not simply sell them motorhomes.

You will see this approach demonstrated at all times in our dealings with you, including those that take place post-sale.